
Nine days until the big day and we have flowers!

My bouquet will have garden light to medium pink garden roses, magenta/burgandy dahlias, ivory cymbidium orchids with burgandy throats, and monkey tails.

The MOH bouquet will have the same garden roses and dahlias.

The moms and grandma will wear garden rose corsages and the female reader will wear a cymbidium orchid corsage.

All the guys will have cymbidium orchid and monkey tail bouts--the groom ivory, everyone else pink.

There are empty spaces in the glass feet we're using for our chuppah, plus we want a couple of arrangements at the reception, so we're hoping to use the textures in the board on the right using pink to burgandy tones.


We have already made pomanders using silk mums/dahlias in pink, purple, and wine.